Anti Social Facebook

If feeling unhappy and sad, why not bring everybody else down with your depressing status updates?

Looking at depressing statuses made by depressing people is just what you need when you’re recovering from a depressing day at work or school. Surveys suggest that people exposed to depressing status updates are more prone to commit suicide. 51% of people we asked had committed suicide and 65% of the remainder, were planning it due to their selfish associates. The Zuckerberg ‘master plan’ is not so much of great idea now, is it?

Modern statistics show us that three out of four people that use Facebook ‘stalk’ their lovers and ex’s. This is not a healthy idea as it promotes bringing up old problems in relationships and gives angry girlfriend’s  reasons to dump helpless ‘bf’s  who have most probably changed his ways since his mistakes. There is no privacy! There is no way you can speak to your crush without the whole cyber world knowing about it.

One more thing, what is a Facebook ‘like’? Why should people be judging other people’s thoughts and creations? Everyone should be able to ‘post’ freely without worrying about anybody’s opinion on your life. All it does is bring you down if someone doesn’t like your status.

Let’s go back to the good ‘ol days!





